COVIDSafe Plan
Here’s what you need to know:
- Pre-booking is essential. With our significantly reduced capacity, we will have limited tickets available - please ensure you pre-book to avoid disappointment.
- We have no tolerance for guest abuse, our team is working to keep you safe whilst complying with government mandates. We are 100% FUN!
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to us – you can email us”.
Prior to your arrival:
(Updated 22/04/2022)
- Please make sure you have made your booking online. This includes pre-paying and selecting the date and timeslot of your visit.
- Our valued Annual Pass members must also pre-book their timeslot and can do so here.
- Those with pre-purchased open-dated tickets and third-party tickets must pre-book here.
- Before leaving home, please check our Facebook page or website for the latest information.
- Please be ready to make on-site payments using a ‘contactless’ bank card, rather than cash.
- We politely request that you refrain from visiting our Otway Fly Treetop Adventures should you start displaying any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19.
- Please contact should you need to amend your booking
Social distancing measures within our attraction:
- We have introduced new arrangements for the application of social distancing within queues. Clear markers or signage has been installed in our building entry,
- Treetop Walk, viewing areas, and café to help guests keep a safe distance from one another. Our employees will monitor the queues to ensure that social distancing is being maintained.
- We have introduced new arrangements for the application of social distancing in our cafe area. Tables and chairs have been recon¬figured to ensure enough distance between seated parties. In areas where strangers are seated together, seats will be removed or blocked to ensure there is a suitable gap between guests.
- We have installed new hygiene screens at our service counters to help physically separate guests from employees.
- We have revised some of our standard operating protocols in order to reduce the proximity of our employees to guests.
Hygiene and disinfection measures within our attraction:
- We have introduced enhanced cleaning measures, throughout the day, which seek to disinfect high-frequency touch points, such as hand rails, tables and chairs, service counters, grab and flush handles, door handles/plates, elevator buttons and taps.
- We have introduced new deep cleaning measures in the event that a person presents themselves with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
- We have introduced a large number of hygiene stations/hand sanitiser dispensers around the attraction for guests to use.
- We have reduced our menu offering of our cafe to place a greater emphasis on ‘Grab & Go’ options. Cutlery and condiments will now be provided to guests with their meal, or on request, rather than left in open areas.
- As with our employees, we politely request that all our guests uphold the highest possible hygiene standards – whether it be when sneezing or coughing, through regular hand washing or the frequent application of hand sanitiser.
- Our employees now participate in COVID-19 specific training programmes instructing them how to stay safe as well as how to keep our guests safe.
- We hope these new health and safety measures provide our guests with confidence and eagerness to us. These are unprecedented times for all communities around the world, and whilst every effort is being taken to protect the safety and wellbeing of our guests, everyone should inform themselves of the risks, conditions and personal responsibilities before they visit.
- We thank you for your custom and understanding. Now, let’s make new magical memories together!

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