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Enchanted Forest

Troll Town

These residents woke up on the wrong side of the bed!
Updates (3)

Are you ready to explore a new magical village at Otway Fly Treetop Adventures? From 26 June, you can discover the mysterious Troll Town created by wonderful volunteers from Men’s Shed Colac.

Troll Town is made up of 20 little wooden homes and grumpy troll residents - if you're lucky enough to gain the trust of the Trolls you may be able to get a glimpse of their new town!

Mensshed Fairyvillage

With thanks

The delicate and beautiful Enchanted Forest homes were made by Men’s Shed Colac.

Each home was designed with incredible thought and care, with the team at Men’s Shed Colac spending as much as two days a week creating the otherworldly residences. 
