Pixie Hollow

Pixie Hollow
Embark on a magical journey through The Enchanted Forest as Otway Fly Treetop Adventures becomes home to another magical village... but this time the inhabitants may be up to no good!
Pixie Hollow is home to a family of pixies who love to play tricks! Part of ancient Celtic lore, pixies are mischievous creatures who are fond of dancing and laughing. They are also known to be "great explorers familiar with the caves of the ocean, the hidden sources of the streams and the recesses of the land." It's little wonder they have found a home in the Otway Rainforest with its beautiful canopy of greenery.
Look closely to see if you can spot these cheeky pixies as they make friends with the local wildlife, play games and make themselves at home in Pixie Hollow!

Pixie Fun!
Download our curriculum-aligned Reading and Writing worksheets!
Right-click and select "save as" to download:
Download Pixie Worksheet Pixie Story
Download Pixie Worksheet Punctuation
Download Pixie Worksheet Reading
Download Pixie Worksheet Spelling
Download Pixie Worksheet Writing
Download Pixie Worksheet Story Time
Download Pixie Worksheet Word Search
Download Pixie Worksheet Colouring In

With thanks
The beautiful pixie homes were made by Men’s Shed Colac.
Each home was designed with incredible thought and care, with the team at Men’s Shed Colac spending as much as two days a week creating the otherworldly residences.